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Wine Barrel Cellar Humidity Control
Polar Africa’s humidity control solutions procure several benefits for the wine farm/producer, viz. Reducing wine evaporative losses in the order of 8% to 12% p.a. by half – less topping up and more bottom line Slower maturity rate producing higher quality wine than the norm No fungal and mould growth as both technologies utilize ‘dry’…
Butchery Night Blinds
The really shrewd butcher knows how to save money whilst making money! And one way is to install night blinds in/or onto their meat refrigerator display cases. That way, night blinds reduce energy consumption per fridge by 20%. Where a butchery has a large number of refrigerated display cases a store’s total energy bill can…
Supermarket Night Blinds
The really shrewd supermarket retailer knows how to save money whilst making money! And one way is to install night blinds in/or onto refrigerator display cases. That way, night blinds reduce energy consumption per fridge by 20%. Where a supermarket has a large number of refrigerated display cases a store’s total energy bill can be…
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Latest News
Wine Barrel Cellar Humidity Control
Polar Africa’s humidity control solutions procure several benefits for the wine farm/producer, viz. Reducing wine evaporative losses in the order of 8% to 12% p.a. by half – less topping up and more bottom line Slower maturity rate producing higher quality wine than the norm No fungal and mould growth as both technologies utilize ‘dry’…
Butchery Night Blinds
The really shrewd butcher knows how to save money whilst making money! And one way is to install night blinds in/or onto their meat refrigerator display cases. That way, night blinds reduce energy consumption per fridge by 20%. Where a butchery has a large number of refrigerated display cases a store’s total energy bill can…
Supermarket Night Blinds
The really shrewd supermarket retailer knows how to save money whilst making money! And one way is to install night blinds in/or onto refrigerator display cases. That way, night blinds reduce energy consumption per fridge by 20%. Where a supermarket has a large number of refrigerated display cases a store’s total energy bill can be…